Mary Immaculate Church, Waverley


Mary Immaculate Church

St Charles Borromeo Parish, Waverley

Provincial Chapter

Provincial Chapter

The Franciscan Friars will be meeting in North Sydney for our Chapter. Every three years we have this week long meeting to elect a new leadership team and to assess our ministries and discuss our future. This week is a particularly important time for us as we see our numbers dwindle. In the last 6 years 21 friars in Australia and New Zealand have been called home to God and there is no one to replace these friars.

Please pray for us throughout this week.

During the week the following timetable will be observed:

Monday 26th – Mass with Fr Martin Maunsell
Tuesday 27th – Liturgy of Word and Holy Communion with Acolyte Dominic Hearne
Wednesday 28th  – Liturgy of Word and Holy Communion with Acolyte Dominic Hearne
Thursday 29th – Mass with Fr Chris Ryan MGL
Friday 30th – Mass with Fr Martin Maunsell.
Saturday 1st October – back to normal.